How They Work: Colors & Their Meaning

How They Work: Colors & Their Meaning

Colors have a history and meaning that can help us understand them better. Here, we'll take a look at how pigments were discovered, how they're made and how they were used in art throughout history. We'll also discuss what different colors mean and how that can help you in your own work!


Pigments are the actual color of the object. This can be a paint in your living room, a piece of fruit you peeled this morning, or even your skin tone. Pigments are made up of different minerals (e.g., copper) or metals (e.g., iron). They’re also made up of chemicals that change their properties when they react with other substances.

For example, you may have heard that skin tones vary depending on what people eat and drink—this is because some foods and beverages can make our skin more acidic over time! Acidity decreases the pH level in our bodies which makes pigment-producing cells produce more melanin — so if someone has darker pigmentation than others it could be due to their diet!

Color Meaning

Colors can be used to represent many things. For example, red is often associated with danger, while green is associated with peace. This can be seen in different situations and contexts. For example, the color red might be used on a stop sign whereas the color green might be used on a traffic light. This association between colors and their meanings has led to many companies adopting specific colors as marketing strategies for their products or services. The significance of colors can also vary from one culture to another; for instance, black may symbolize death in some parts of Africa but prosperity elsewhere (Gibson et al., 2002).


Brown is a mixture of red and yellow. It's a warm color, which means that it's energizing and active. Brown is used in earth magic because it represents stability, strength, and protection. It also relates to healing magic because of its connection to nature and the earth's bounty. Brown can be used when you're trying to protect yourself from bad things or evil people—like money loss spells or hexes—but it should probably be paired with white or silver as well if your intention is truly centered around protection rather than "getting even" with someone who has wronged you in some way.

Brown spells can also help with fire magic by adding grounding elements like dirt or sand so as not to interfere too much with your energy flow (that would otherwise happen if you were using red). This makes brown useful for casting spells for long periods of time without becoming exhausted from excess energy expenditure; think about using this color when meditating or doing other spiritual practices where sitting still for longer periods might feel uncomfortable at first but then becomes easier after repeated attempts!


White is a color that symbolizes purity, new beginnings and death. It can also indicate mourning, surrender and humility.

White is the absence of all other colors at full saturation; it's what your TV screen looks like when it's off or when you're looking at a blank computer monitor. The color white represents purity because it has no tinges of other hues in it anywhere in its spectrum; it's an absolute shade without any variation. To wear white to a wedding or engagement party means that you're entering into this new relationship as someone who is free from any past attachments (which might be why brides wear white).

White flowers are associated with funerals because they represent rebirth after death—the cycle of life continuing on its path despite death coming for us all eventually. In Western cultures, white represents mourning during times of bereavement because black isn't appropriate for such occasions (in Eastern cultures such as China, however, black does represent mourning).

Some people see a monochromatic rainbow as having six colors: red through violet—but actually there are seven components! Look closely at each spectral line here under magnification and you'll find two distinct parts: one section which appears bright-ish yellowish orangey brownish greenish blueish indigo purple--and another section which looks purplish red violet blue green yellow orange (in between these sections lies ultraviolet light). We perceive these two color groups separately--as though they belonged to different spectrums entirely--because our eyes have evolved over millennia specifically so we can distinguish between them easily enough without hurting our retinas too much!


Red is the color of fire, blood and passion. It represents love, lust and sex. The color red can also be associated with danger (think the traffic light), strength (think fire engines) or anger/aggression (think stop signs). Red can mean courage and determination as well when it comes to sports teams or military uniforms.


Orange is the warmest of all colors, so it's no wonder people associate orange with creativity. Not only that, but orange also represents the sun and harvest season. And while these meanings are positive, they're not always associated with being in control of one's emotions or actions. In fact, researchers have found that orange can be more on the anxious side of things—it's considered an unstable color that often signifies an emotional imbalance (i.e., being too happy).

If you find yourself feeling particularly creative today or if your plans include a visit to a pumpkin patch this weekend for some fall fun, consider wearing something in this warm hue!


Yellow is the color of sunshine and it has been worn for centuries to protect against disease. Yellow is associated with the element of air, so it's known for being light-hearted and energetic. Yellow can also be a sign of intellect, wisdom, or thoughtfulness. The color yellow brings optimism and creativity because yellow stimulates the mind and increases energy levels. The color yellow is associated with communication; studies show that people who wear this color tend to talk more than those who don't wear it!

Yellow is a warm hue that symbolizes clarity and intelligence; therefore it makes sense why teachers often wear this color in their classrooms!


Pink is the color of femininity. It's associated with love and romance, but also with the heart chakra and the element of water. Pink is connected to Venus, which rules over beauty and femininity—so you'll often see this color used in art that celebrates women.

The pink color wheel has two shades: light pink (which is a mix of red and white) or dark pink (which is a mix of red and purple). Light pinks are generally associated with young girls; darker pinks can be worn by anyone who wants to convey maturity or confidence without being too bold about it (like wearing black).


Blue is a cool color, and it's the color of water. It represents the third eye chakra and throat chakra, which are both about communication and expression. Blue is also the color associated with feelings like harmony, tranquility, wisdom and calmness. In other words: blue helps you relax in hard times!

Blue is also a great color for healing work because it calms down emotions and leads to better thinking processes (which can be helpful if you're dealing with depression or anxiety). If your mind needs some space to breathe so that you can focus on what matters most then try using blue candles during meditation or yoga sessions.

Gray & Silver

Gray is a mixture of black and white, or, more accurately, it's the absence of color. The word “gray” comes from “gravel,” which describes the tiny rocks that make up the sand on beaches and other places where we find gray stones. Silver is also considered a neutral color because it's made up of white mixed with black—think about how silver jewelry looks so shiny!

Gray and silver are both very popular colors for clothing because they complement just about any skin tone. You'll see this shade used in high-end fashion brands like Calvin Klein and Michael Kors when they want to create garments that feel sophisticated but not stuffy or formal.

These two colors are also commonly seen in decorating schemes for homes; if you've ever been inside an upscale hotel lobby or restaurant interior designed by someone who knows what they're doing (I'm looking at you, Fred Hayman), chances are good that you've seen these shades somewhere within its walls.

Finally (and perhaps most importantly), gray diamonds have been prized since ancient times as symbols of wealth and power—and why shouldn't they be? They're beautiful!

Gold, Copper & Brass

Copper is the most popular color for metallic jewelry. It's also a good choice for people who love the warmth that comes from this metal, but don't want to go full-on gold. If you're looking for something more modern and cool, copper may be too warm for your taste.

Gold is still the most popular color for metallic jewelry, but it's not necessarily everyone's favorite. Some people prefer silver or platinum instead—but if you like gold as much as we do then lucky for you because there are many ways to wear it!

Brass has its own unique look that doesn't exactly feel like either copper or gold. Brass can be very shiny depending on how it was made and treated (sometimes brass will appear darker than copper).

learning the history and meaning of different colors can help you understand them better.

All colors have meaning, whether or not you know it. Understanding the history and meaning of different colors can help you understand them better.

The history of color is fascinating—and it's full of symbolism and mystery. Did you know that the first known use of color was ancient Egypt? The Egyptians used red ochre (a natural mineral pigment) to create bright paintings on their tombs, walls and sarcophagi. In fact, they used so much red ochre that the word “ochre” comes from Egyptian words meaning "the flesh color" or "the sun."


The meaning of colors is not one-size-fits-all. It’s a complex and nuanced topic, so it’s important that we take the time to understand the context of each situation before jumping to conclusions. And while some colors may seem like they have straightforward meanings (think red = danger), others have more complicated connotations (like gray). The bottom line is this: try not to judge someone by their favorite color alone because it can say a lot about their personality!

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